If you're looking to get a taste of the rich culture, history and talent of Chile then one of their many museums will be going in the right direction. Take a look below and a handful of exhibits we have suggested to get you started
Maggiorino Borgatello Salesian museumIf you're heading towards the south then one of the locations that you should definitely visit is the Maggiorino Borgatello Salesian museum. You will be spoilt with a collection of ethnological, archaeological, historical and biological pieces that puts the spotlight onto Chile. The name follows its creator and it was erected in 1893, its purpose was to serve as a beacon for the culture of the area. The museum in modern times is of the upmost importance for the future generations in giving a direction to see where they originate from.
Magallanes Regional MuseumAnother museum that is put in place to distribute the cultural importance of the region, it displays many pieces of valuable collections that date all the way back to the times of the first southern people. It was constructed in 1903 by Antoine Beaulier and was donated by the heirs of the owners to the Chilean state. It serves its purpose today for cultural expression with temporary displays included into the original mix.